Call of Prev (2023)

Call of Prev is a game used in anti-extremism youth work. It consists out of a browser based isometric adventure game as well as an extensive game content creation system.

The game is used within structured workshops where teenagers get to experience and talk about their real world experiences in the context of the game, and then create their own quests and storylines within it. 

Platform: Browser (Mobile Optimized)
Engine: Browser
Genre: Isometric Adventure
Developer: Cultures Interactive e.V

My Role in the Team:
In this game I have worked in a small Game Design team with another GD focuses on Level Design. I was responsible for the system design (which included documenting and communicating with all other departments) as well as the UX design of the Editor part of the game. 

In addition to this, I’ve closed worked with the narrative design department to create a variety of storylines and quests in the game. 

Link: Project Overview